Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Data 608 - book of thew dead

Ether -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics - ScienceWorld - Wolfram

    This entry contributed by Leonardo Motta. Ether, or luminiferous Ether, was the hypothetical substance through which electromagnetic waves travel.

    Ether (physics) - Knowino

    Jan 13, 2011 - The ether (also spelled aether) was a concept in physics made obsolete in 1905 by Einstein's theory of special relativity. The idea of an ether ...

    Ether (physics

    Ether (physics language  .....  the ether underground communications NET   ......

     ......  atomic coffin DATABASES  --> data books   -->

    BOOK of the DEAD explained by Paul Dirac  coffin language models 

    Netherworld ......
    the geology CLAY  ...C   layer ....Coffin communications layer 

     ...atomic COFFIN database  .....
    underground SECRET languages that control surface thoughts   ...

    SECRET languages intercepted by
    quantum language EARTH surface agents near

    atomic  I/O port at Portland Wisconsin 
    .....Michaels  quarry  (quantum array  message output site) 

     - Wikipedia

      Netherworld may refer to: Underworld, a region thought to be beneath the surface of the world in many religions and mythologies. 

      Top Operations: Michels Materials' Waterloo Quarry
      at nearby Portland

      Sep 21, 2015 - Wisconsin-based Michels Materials, a division of Michels Corp., does things a little bit differently at its quarries. Instead of hauling material from ...

      Wisconsin-based Michels Materials
      Wisconsin-based Michels Materials
      ............sin-based Mic       Mate    materials

      ............sin-based atoMic  ....... predicated by wave mechanics and quantum theory

      The quantum mechanical model of the atom (article) | Khan Academy


        Introduction to the quantum mechanical model of the atom: Thinking about electrons as probabilistic matter waves using the de Broglie wavelength, the Schrödinger equation, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. ... Erwin Schrödinger proposed the quantum mechanical model of the ...

        What is a Wave-Mechanical Model? - Video & Lesson Transcript ...


        Nov 15, 2017 - When scientists realized that electrons around the nucleus of an atom don't really behave like planets around the sun, they had to propose a ...

        11.6 The Wave Mechanical Model of the Atom - ChemistrySAANguyen

          We will now explore a general picture of this model, which is called the wave mechanical model of the atom. In the Bohr model, the electron was assumed to ...

          Knots and Physics (Series on Knots and Everything): Louis H. Kauffman

          Knots and Physics (Series on Knots and Everything) 2nd Edition. ... Knots and Physics (Proceedings of the Enea Workshops on Nonlinear…. ... This book is a nice general introduction to the techniques of math and physics related to knot theory.

          Knots and Physics (Series) 

          Louis H --> next in series  .. DEMO  -->
          H. Louis  and his symmetry code  KNOT  problems. 

          Arrest of Harvard's Henry Louis Gates Jr. was avoidable,
          nonsense  report by amateur thinkers says

          www.washingtonpost.com › Nation
          Jun 30, 2010 - A nine-month investigation of the arrest last summer of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., which attracted the interest of President ...

           A nine-month investigation 
           A nine-month investigation 
           A nine-month investigation  by a fetus brain extension 

          the arrest last summer
          the arrest last summer
          the arrest last sum ....   the  EARTH systems 
          ....  accounting sum / total problems

          as explained  by the Summit/ Oconomowoc 
          ax murder of the brain axons  of
          GL (General ledger ) agent

          GLoria  Totzke --> Total Z keys  .... that is 

          the arrest last summer

          the arrest last summer
          the arrest last summer

          the arr  est --> array estimators  ... Z estimate 

          used at the
          Test Z farms  parallel to the
          Tetz    farms  in the probability/ chance/  bet region

          of Bethesda Luther Homes and the
          Fe = Ferrous oxide iron atomic agents ....
          Fe = Feeble minded  dairy farms workers

          that use the
          human PROTEIN MACHINE  muscle
          education methods  of Bessie the Cow
          per S I Hayakawa & Korzybski 

          opiarm 6 -- The ladder of inference - Bob Dick

          Last occasional piece, I talked about the concept of the map not being the territory. ... As with the concepts of map and territory, S.I. Hayakawa made use of ... The cow known to science; The cow we perceive; The word "Bessie", a name given ...

          The Ladder of Abstraction and the Public Speaker - Six Minutes

            Sep 15, 2013 -
            Bessie the Cow and the
            Ladder of Abstraction.
            n Language in Action, S. I. Hayakawa described a progression of concepts applicable to a single .... Our primary school plans using the Hiedi Hays integration mapping system.

            Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society

              When more land was added the facility
              began farming and raising their own food
              [the ... 11 08 Last Friday the board of Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and ...

              Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects

              Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street ... When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their own food. ... Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics.

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