Syria conflict explained: How did we end up here? - USA Today
Apr 9, 2018 - Along the way, the Syrian conflict allowed Islamic State extremists to flourish, created the world's worst refugee crisis since World War II and ...
How did we end up here?
How did we end up here? ...... Ask Sy-->
Syra --> Syracuse University BEDROOM mentality .....
intellectual goals of life
Syracuse University is a private research university
in Syracuse, New York, United States. The institution's roots can be
traced to the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, founded in 1831 by the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Lima, New York. Wikipedia
institution's roots can be traced to the Genesee
institution's roots can be traced to the Genesee
institution's roots can be traced ......
institution's roots can be traced to the Genesee
institution's roots can be traced to the Genesee
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum ...
November 5th at her Town of Genesee ...
Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
Jump to ISIS–government conflict intensifies - According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, on 17 July 2014 ISIL took control of the Shaar oil ...
Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News -
Syria air plane strikes:
UK confident that the symmetry physics attack strikes were successful,
says PM - BBC ...
Syria air plane strikes:
UK confident strikes were caused by incomplete analysis and
bull-shit explanations ....... .
successful song and dance in Alan Sokal SCIENCE WARS
, says PM (Principia Mathematicia ) - BBC ...
Syria air strikes: UK featherless bipeds ........
confident strikes were successful, says PM - BBC ...
The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 5: Toward Principia ...
Bertrand Russell, Gregory H. Moore - 2015 - Philosophy
Toward Principia Mathematica, 1905–08 Bertrand Russell Gregory H. Moore. be equivalent to “I believe that all featherless bipeds are mortal”, even if men are ...
The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell ....... and the
Carl Jung collective unconscious GROUP MIND
of chicken brains
code words --> Five O'Clock on a winter morning in Sryia
code words
--> Five O'Clock on a winter morning in
Syria --> Syr --> Symmetry ..... System regions
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum ... 14, 2013 - Prior to being safely located in Chicago, Stalbaum
was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday,
November 5th
a freshman at the Samuel Beckett test school
Samuel Beckett
Sam Bec kett
Sample BEC at Kettle Moraine High School,
Police release new details in disappearance
Police release new details in the 4-day disappearance
of Kettle Moraine specimen
...... the 4 thermodynamic phases of
atom/molecule density & temperature expressions .....
Bose-Einstein- Condensate and now the return of the 5th phase
of matter VIA the Kathryn Stalbaum generated DATABASE
from the
CH = Carbon/ hydrogen organic
chemistry (molecular social chemistry) city of
CH = Chicago
EARTH LAB specimen Kathryn Stalbaum (KS) selected for
her intials (to represent a system message)
per Chenequa Wisconsin ......
................ equation region of southern Wisconsin
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field
Magnetic field - Wikipedia
A magnetic field is a vector field that
describes the magnetic influence of electrical currents and ...... The
second mathematical property is called the curl, such that ∇ × A represents how A curls or 'circulates' around a given point. The result of the ...
The rotating EARTH as an electric motor
....... 1 rotation per 24 hour
alternating cycle (day night day night)
alternating cycle (day night day night)
with the earth motor components
a) earth center ... iron core
b ) earth geography surface copper ore
mines that rotate about 23,00 miles per day
mines that rotate about 23,00 miles per day
c) leverage / torque of rotation .......
distance between the fixed iron center
distance between the fixed iron center
and the rotating copper metal ore with 29 electrons ...... that is
electron flow of 23,000 miles
What is the physical significance of curl of a
magnetic field? - Quora
Feb 8, 2017 - Thank you for A2A. To understand what the curl of a magnetic field is, we need to understand how the magnetic field is related to the electric field and electric ...
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