code word--> Orient Express --> OE = Order Entry
Code word--> Balkan --> Bal (Computer Earth)
IBM Basic assembly language (BAL) and successors - Wikipedia
IBM Basic assembly language and successors. Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from
Code word--> Balkan hills --> BH magnetic field codes
and LINKS to BH (Beverly Hills)
Code word--> Balkan hills --> BH ..EARTH magnetic field flow lines that interact
with the iron railroad train (the Orient Express ..... as a living iron entity of
LiFe (Fe = Ferrous oxide/iron atoms and its 26 proton
English alphabet) .....
the intellectual THOUGHT life
of the IRON railroad train is acquired from the human passengers (who are data containers)
the data transfer is by magnetic field flow lines
(that carry magnetic data fields) from
the human iron in hemoglobin blood
from iron myoglobin proteins with INTELLECTUAL muscle .....
the data transfer to the iron metal ...
railroad passenger car ...... the railroad train
thus the railroad car accumulates the
SUM of ideas. data, experiences ........
of all the passengers ...... over several years.
iron -->
7 Things to Expect From Your Freshman Orientation | Her Campus
Jul 1, 2017 - However, before you take on your first day of college, there's one thing you first must conquer—orientation. You've probably been lost in ...What to Expect at College Orientation - Tips for Parents - Discover
What to Expect at College Orientation
What to Expect at College Orientation ......
................................... Orient --->
.................... Murder commands and instructions
created by education arrogance /
family social policy ... LIMIT violation errors
family social policy ... LIMIT violation errors
What to Expect at College Orientation
What to Expect at College Orientation
What to Expect at College Orientation ......
................................... Orient --->
.................... Murder .,....
school shootings
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
This article lists in chronology and provides additional details of incidents in which a firearm was discharged at a school infrastructure or campus in the United ...
List of school massacres by death toll - Wikipedia
This list of school massacres by death toll
contains those cases that occurred at kindergartens, schools and
universities, as well as their affiliated buildings. If the perpetrator
was a member of the school staff and the victims primarily ..... Louisiana Technical College shooting, Feb 8, 2008, Baton Rouge, Louisiana · United ...
College Campus Shootings - CBS News
A look at some of the gruesome shootings that have occurred on college campuses over the past few years.
2018 school shootings:
A list of incidents that resulted in casualties ...
May 25, 2018 - That averages out to more than 1 shooting a week. ... We included grades K through college/university level; We included gang violence, fights ...code words--> ten questions --> Tensing quest in
the secret society of Cincinnati OhiO ...
and the Tensing data generating event .......
Judge dismisses charges against Ray Tensing at Monday morning ...
Jul 24, 2017 - CINCINNATI -- Judge Leslie Ghiz formally dropped the charges against former University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing but denied a motion for acquittal at a hearing Monday morning. Ghiz granted a dismissal of the charges with prejudice, which means the state of Ohio ...
Ex-police officer Ray Tensing will not be tried again in fatal shooting ...
Jul 18, 2017 - After two mistrials for Ray Tensing, the prosecutor in the case said Tuesday he is moving to dismiss the murder indictment against the ...officer Ray Tensing .... Nature's agent
officer Ray Tensing
officer Ray Tensing
officer Ray Tensing
officer Ray .... sin -->
the signal data carrier wave ......
Sin ..... top 1/2 code is Cin Cin wave
of earth geography region ...Cin Cin nati
Tesla's Earth quake/vibration/ signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
CinCinnati Underground Railroad - Ohio History Central
National ...... EARTH geological Underground Railroad ......
Netherworld underground language of coffin DATABASES .....
Freedom Center in Cincinnati
The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center stands as a monument to freedom bringing to life the importance - and relevance - of struggles for freedom .
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