Tuesday, October 30, 2018

WORK Data 648 - sex life of an iron automobile


explains  key word concepts --> 

Data 648 -

sex life of an iron automobile

iron /
fe = ferrous oxide containers for a romantic couple
fe = Female woman with Mr. Horny boyfriend with 

Code word --> autopsy 

............ automobile pussy / sex life of 

Iron motor vehicles with 4-wheels ...............

Code word --> autpsy ............ automobile pussy / sex life of Iron motor vehicles with 4-wheels ...............

iron /
fe = ferrous oxide containers for a romantic couple
fe = Female woman with Mr. Horny boyfriend with 

their sex life in a parked automobile /
like  bedroom biology activity  .....

thus the iron vehicle get copies of the social behavior and thoughts of the people/ passengers  inside .....

thus the iron automobile  metal
LIFE ...... via human ........metabolism expression
activities .....

that is 

Life ...... fe =  ferrous oxide atomic life of the

metal car/motor vehicle uses the

IBM  orgasm  instruction  to

LINK the 2 information systems together ....

IBM explains code word

--> org    asm -->

org (establish addressability) assembler

Assembler instruction statements - IBM

    The following table lists the assembler instructions by type, and provides the number of the page where the instruction is described. ... 
    ORG, ORG instruction.

    x86 - What does ORG Assembly Instruction do? - Stack Overflow

      5 answers
      Aug 4, 2010 - ORG is used to set the assembler location counter. This may or may not translate to a load address at link time. It can be used to define ...

      x86 - What does ORG Assembly Instruction do? - Stack Overflow

        5 answers
        Aug 4, 2010 - ORG is used to set the assembler location counter. This may or may not translate to a load address at link time. It can be used to define ...

        ORG is used to set the assembler location counter.

        ORG is used to set the assembler location counter.
        ORG is used to set the ass......      location counter.

        ORG is used to set the ass......      location counter.

        ORG is used to set the ass......      location counter.
        ORG is used to set the piece of ass ......     

        automobile pussy 
        location counter  (data collection) 

        of  motives (auto.motive car    acquires fe = feelings) 

        automobile pussy  ...female ERRORS .. causes
        auto ..........psy 

        Autopsy | Definition of Autopsy by Merriam-Webster

          1 : an examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death or the character and extent of changes produced by disease — called also necropsy. 2 : a critical examination, evaluation, or assessment of someone or something past.

          Autopsy - Wikipedia

            An autopsy (post-mortem examination, obduction, necropsy, or autopsia cadaverum) is a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse by dissection to determine the cause and manner of death or to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present for research or educational ...

            post-mortem examination, 
            post-mortem examination, 
            post.........em  ..........nation  ---> 

            Post office of em-field (electromagnetic) 

            as outlined by  agent .....

            Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at ...

            www.bartleby.com › Reference › Emily Post
              Emily Post's Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home. Free full text of 627-page first edition (1922) with illustrations from Bartleby.com.

              Missing: 19qw2

              Post, Emily. 1922.
              Etiquette in Society,
              in Business

              in Business

              in  ....sine ... brain wave economics .... , in Politics and at ...

              www.bartleby.com › Reference › Emily Post
                Emily Post's Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home. Free full text of 627-page first edition (1922) with illustrations from Bartleby.com.
                Missing: 19qw2

                18 Symptoms of Sinus Infection caused by
                ............ sin wave ERRORS (Sinusitis),
                Contagious radio waves &


                Treatment algorithms 

                Treatment algorithms 

                    eat  ment al   --> eat mental  thought activity & memory
                .................    alzheimer's  memory SOFTWARE taken 

                The signs and symptoms of a sinus infection or sinusitis include the following: Headache due to pressure in partially or completely blocked sinuses. The pain may increase when the person bends down. Facial tenderness and/or swelling when facial areas over sinus areas are touched.

                How Can You Specialize a Nursing Degree in Alzheimer's?

                With a rising demand for nursing professionals who specialize in caring for patients with Alzheimer’s, the choice to specialize a nursing degree in Alzheimer’s could be one of the best career moves you could ever make for long-term job security. There are so many different ...

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